(Job categories Eligible When Interns Shift to Technical Intern Training (ii) Codes)
コード(Codes) | 職種 | Job categories |
1-1 | 耕種農業 | Cultivation agriculture |
1-2 | 畜産農業 | Livestock agriculture |
2-1 | 漁船漁業 | Fishing boat fisheries |
2-2 | 養殖業 | Aquaculture |
3-1 | さく井 | Well drilling |
3-2 | 建築板金 | Building sheet metal work |
3-3 | 冷凍空気調和機器施工 | Freezing and air conditioning apparatus installing |
3-4 | 建具製作 | Fixture making |
3-5 | 建築大工 | Carpentry |
3-6 | 型枠施工 | Frame working |
3-7 | 鉄筋施工 | Reinforcing bar construction |
3-8 | とび | Scaffolding |
3-9 | 石材施工 | Building stone construction |
3-10 | タイル張り | Tiling |
3-11 | かわらぶき | Tile roofing |
3-12 | 左官 | Plastering |
3-13 | 配管 | Plumbing |
3-14 | 熱絶縁施工 | Heat insulation |
3-15 | 内装仕上げ施工 | Interior finishing |
3-16 | サッシ施工 | Sash setting |
3-17 | 防水施工 | Waterproofing |
3-18 | コンクリート圧送施工 | Concrete pressure feeding |
3-19 | ウェルポイント施工 | Well point construction |
3-20 | 表装 | Paper hanging |
3-21 | 建設機械施工 | Application of construction equipment |
3-22 | 築炉 | Furnace installation |
4-1 | 缶詰巻締 | Can seaming for canned foods |
4-2 | 食鳥処理加工業 | Poultry processing industry |
4-3 | 加熱性水産加工食品製造業 | Marine Heated fishery processed foodstuff manufacturing work |
4-4 | 非加熱性水産加工食品製造業 | Non-heated fishery processed foodstuff manufacturing work |
4-5 | 水産練り製品製造 | Fish paste making |
4-6 | 牛豚食肉処理加工業 | Beef and pork processing industry |
4-7 | ハム・ソーセージ・ベーコン製造 | Ham, sausage and bacon making |
4-8 | パン製造 | Bread Baking |
4-9 | そう菜製造業 | Ready-made meal manufacturing work |
5-1 | 紡績運転 | Spinning operation |
5-2 | 織布運転 | Weaving operation |
5-3 | 染色 | Dyeing |
5-4 | ニット製品製造 | Knit goods manufacturing |
5-5 | たて編ニット生地製造 | Warp knitted fabrics manufacturing |
5-6 | 婦人子供服製造 | Ladies’ and children’s dress making |
5-7 | 紳士服製造 | Tailoring men’s suit making |
5-8 | 下着類製造 | Underwear manufacturing |
5-9 | 寝具製作 | Bedclothes making |
5-10 | カーペット製造 | Carpet manufacturing |
5-11 | 帆布製品製造 | Canvas product making |
5-12 | 布はく縫製 | Cloth sewing |
5-13 | 座席シート縫製 | Seat product sewing |
6-1 | 鋳造 | Casting |
6-2 | 鍛造 | Forging |
6-3 | ダイカスト | Die casting |
6-4 | 機械加工 | Machining |
6-5 | 金属プレス加工 | Metal press |
6-6 | 鉄工 | Iron work |
6-7 | 工場板金 | Factory sheet metal work |
6-8 | めっき | Electroplating |
6-9 | アルミニウム陽極酸化処理 | Aluminum anodizing |
6-10 | 仕上げ | Finishing |
6-11 | 機械検査 | Machine inspection |
6-12 | 機械保全 | Machine maintenance |
6-13 | 電子機器組立て | Electronic equipment assembling |
6-14 | 電気機器組立て | Electric equipment assembling |
6-15 | プリント配線板製造 | Print wiring board manufacturing |
7-1 | 家具製作 | Furniture making |
7-2 | 印刷 | Printing |
7-3 | 製本 | Book binding |
7-4 | プラスチック成形 | Plastic molding |
7-5 | 強化プラスチック成形 | Reinforced plastic molding |
7-6 | 塗装 | Painting |
7-7 | 溶接 | Welding |
7-8 | 工業包装 | Industrial packaging |
7-9 | 紙器・段ボール箱製造 | Cartonbox and corrugated card board box making |
7-10 | 陶磁器工業製品製造 | Industrial manufacturing of pottery |
7-11 | 自動車整備 | Automobile repair and maintenanc |
7-12 | ビルクリーニング | Building cleaning management |
7-13 | 介護 | Care worker |
99-1 | 空港グランドハンドリング | Airport ground handling |